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    “When the trays reappeared with biscuits and wine, punctually at a quarter to nine, there was conversation, comparing of cards, and talking over tricks; but by and by Captain Brown sported a bit of literature.

    ‘Have you seen any numbers of The Pickwick Papers?’ said he. (They were then publishing in parts.) ‘Capital thing!’

    Now Miss Jenkyns was daughter of a deceased rector of Cranford; and, on the strength of a number of manuscript sermons, and a pretty good library of divinty, considered herself literary, and looked upon any coversation about books as a challenge to her. So she answered and said, ‘Yes, she had seen them; indeed, she might say she had read them.’

    ‘And what do you think of them?’ exclaimed Captain Brown. ‘Aren’t they famously good?’

    So urged, Miss Jenkyns could not but speak.

    ‘I must say, I don’t think they are by any means equal to Dr. Johnson. Still, perhaps, the author is young. Let him persevere, and who knows what he may become if he will take the great Doctor for his model.’ This was evidently too much for Captain Brown to take placidly, and I saw the words on the tip of his tongue before Miss Jenkyns had f inished her sentence.

    ‘It is quite a different sort of thing, my dear madam,’ he began.

    ‘I am quite aware of that,’ returned she. ‘And I make allowances, Captain Brown.’

    ‘Just allow me to read you a scene out of this month’s number,’ pleaded he. ‘I had it only this morning, and I don’t think the company can have read it yet. ’

    ‘As you please,’ said she, settling herself with an air of resignation. He read the account of the ‘swarry’ which Sam Weller gave at Bath. Some of us laughed heartily. I did not dare, because I was staying in the house. Miss Jenkyns sat in patient gravity. When it was ended, she turned to me, and said, with mild dignity ——

    ‘Fetch me Rasselas, my dear, out of the book-room.’

    When I brought it to her she turned to Captain Brown ——

    ‘Now allow me to read you a scene, and then the present company can judge between your favourite, Mr. Boz, and Dr. Johnson.’

    She read one of the conversations between Rasselas and Imlac, in a high-pitched majestic voice; and when she had ended she said, ‘I imagine I am now justif ied in my preference of Dr. Johnson as a writer of f iction.’ The Captain screwed his lips up, and drummed on the table, but he did not speak. She thought she would give a f inishing blow or two.

    ‘I cosider it vulgar, and below the dignity of literature, to publish in numbers.’

    ‘How was The Rambler published, ma’am?’ asked Captain Brown, in a low voice, which I think Miss Jenkyns could not have heard.

    ‘Dr. Johnson’s style is a model for young beginners. My father recommended it to me when I began to write letters——I have formed my own style upon it; I recommend it to your favourite.’

    ‘I should be very sorry for him to exchange his style for any such pompous writing,’said Captain Brown.

    Miss Jenkyns felt this as a personal affront, in a way of which the Captain had not dreamed. Epistolary writing she and her friends considered as her forte. Many a copy of many a letter have I seen written and corrected on the slate, before she ‘seized the half-hour just previous to post time to assure’ her friends of this or of that; and Dr. Johnson was, as she said, her model in these compositions. She drew herself up with dignity, and only replied to Captain Brown’s last remark by saying, with marked emphasis on every syllable, ‘I prefer Dr. Johnson to Mr. Boz.’

    It is said——I won’t vouch for the fact——that Captain Brown was heard to say, sotto voce, ‘D-n Dr. Johnson!’ If he did, he was penitent afterwards, as he showed by going to stand near Miss Jenkyns’s arm-chair, and endeavouring to beguile her into conversation on some more pleasing subject. But she was inexorable. The next day she made the remark I have mentioned about Miss Jessie’s dimples.”

    —— Chap. i.



    “Sometimes he would have a company of such gentlemen as Messrs. Warrington, Honeyman, and Pendennis, when haply a literatry conversation would ensue after dinner; and the merits of our present poets and writers would be discussed with the claret. Honeyman was well enough read in profane literature, especially of the lighter sort; and, I daresay, could have passed a satisfactory examination in Balzac, Dumas, and Paul de Kock himself, of all whose works our good host was entirely ignorant,——as indeed he was of graver books, and of earlier books, and of books in general,——except those few, which, we have said, formed his travelling library. He heard opinions that amazed and bewildered him: he heard that Byron was no great poet, though a very clever man: he heard that there had been a wicked persecution against Mr. Pope’s memory and fame, and that it was time to reinstate him; that his favourite, Dr. Johnson, talked admirably, but did not write English; that young Keats was a genius to be estimated in future days with young Raphael; and that a young gentleman of Cambridge who had lately published two volumes of verses, might take rank with the greatest poets of all. Doctor Johnson not write English! Lord Byron not one of the greatest poets of the world! Sir Walter a poet of the second order! Mr. Pope attacked for the inferiority and want of imagination; Mr. Keats and this young Mr. Tennyson of Cambridge, the chief of modern poetic literature! What were these new dicta, which Mr. Warrington delivered with a puff of tobacco-smoke; to which Mr. Honeyman blandly assented, and Clive listened with pleasure? Such opinions were not of the Colonel’s time. He tried in vain to construe ‘Œnone’ , and to make sense of ‘Lamia.’ Ulysses he could understand; but what were these prodigious laudations bestowed on it? And that reverence for Mr. Wordsworth, what did it mean? Had he not written ‘Peter Bell,’ and been turned into deserved ridicule by all the reviews? Was that dreary ‘Excursion’ to be compared to Goldsmith’s ‘Traveller,’ or Dr. Johnsons’s ‘Imitation of the Tenth Satire of Juvenal?’ If the young men told the truth, where had been the truth in his own young days, and in what ignorance had our forefathers been brought up? Mr. Addison was only an elegant essayist and shallow trif ler! All these opinions were openly uttered over the Colonel’s claret, as he and Mr. Binnie sat wondering at the speakers, who were knocking the gods of their youth about their ears. To Binnie the shock was not so great; the hard-headed Scotchman had read Hume in his college days, and sneered at some of the gods even at that early time. But with Newcome, the admiration for the literature of the last century was an article of belief, and the incredulity of the young men seemed rank blasphemy. ‘You will be sneering at Shakespeare next,’ he said: and was silenced, though not better pleased, when his youthful guests told him, that Dr. Goldsmith sneered at him too; that Dr. Johnson did not understand him; and that Congreve, in his own day and afterwards, was considered to be, in some points, Shakespeare’s superior. ‘What do you think a man’s criticism is worth, sir,’ cries Mr. Warrington, ‘who says those lines of Mr. Congreve about a church ——

    “How reverend is the face of you tall pile,

    Whose ancient pillars rear their marble heads,

    To bear aloft its vast and ponderous roof,

    By its own weight made stedfast and immovable;

    Looking tranquility. It strikes an awe

    And terror on my aching sight”——et cætera ——

    What do you think of a critic who says those lines are f iner than anything Shakespeare ever wrote?’ A dim consciousness of danger for Clive, a terror that his son had got into the society of heretics and unbelievers, came over the Colonel; and then presently, as was the wont with his modest soul, a gentle sense of humility.”

    —— The Newcomes, chap. xxi.

    这不过是借老上校和当时的青年之口,来论述存在于两者之间的趣味的不同。自古及今,世间对“暗示”的期待,犹如大旱之望云霓。一朝一夕翕然而实现推移者,也不足为奇。构成社会的各个成员,在天赋、教育、习惯上,都不相同,因为在这些方面不同,所以为这种不同所支配的意识之推移,也亘乎上下,及于四方,而不能同时实现。在得到一个暗示之前,在个人意识的波线上已经有不少的矛盾斗争,更因为此暗示及于“集合意识”上面,在一般情况下,大都会引起剧烈反抗。因此,要想卓尔不群,不立他人篱下,不遛他人门墙,毅然自立一家之言,就需要预先觉悟到要与世为敌了,就要具备压倒敌人的气魄与能力。华兹华斯说过:任何一个具有伟大的独创性的作家,都需要去创建人们的趣味,使他们爱读我的书,自古及今,乃至将来都是如此。我把这句话再翻译一下,就是华兹华斯所说的“独创”,不外是崭新的“暗示”,所谓的“创建”,就是以F′压倒F的意思。查普曼[2]的诗所写 :

    “No truth of excellence was ever seen

    But bore the venom of the vulgar’s spleen.”



    《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads,1789年)作为刷新诗界的作品而耸动文坛。当时人们的“集合F”对此抱着什么样的态度呢?我们对此加以考察,可以了解当时的论争状况。《评论月刊》(The Monthly Review,1799年5月)评论说:“集子里所收诗篇,以其幻想,以其流畅,又以其情操,诚然能引起我们的很大的感兴,但是笔者认为,没有必要牺牲古代民谣诗人所想象不到的高级诗法(引者注:即现代发达的诗法),来鼓吹这种写法。踏袭粗野怪异的乔叟的韵脚而自鸣得意,这不但会使诗歌堕落,恐怕早晚也要使英语堕落吧!假如现在不把古代诗人近代化,反而把德莱顿[3]、蒲柏、格雷所吟咏的高雅题目和优丽明媚之调,改变而成14世纪的方言与风格,那将会如何呢?如此倒行逆施,我们得到了什么呢?要仿造古代钱币,带有锈斑是必要的。然而要模仿三四百年前的诗,在现代人的诗作上添加人为的锈斑,这只能说是巧妙的赝品,此外没有赞赏的价值。……”由此可以见当时的时代风潮之一斑。



    弗朗西斯·杰弗里[4]在《爱丁堡评论》杂志上(1802年10月),批评骚塞的《撒拉巴》(Thalaba the Destroyer),说它妖谲荒唐、不堪卒读:“此种故事,是糊弄小孩子的玩意儿吧。稀奇古怪的东西、层层叠叠的事件,乍看上去似能引人注意,但是这种注意往往会随着新奇之念的消失而很快消失,在好奇之心未满足之前,已令人昏昏了。”由此可知浪漫派的题材是不为当时所容的。杰弗里在此评论中,不单攻击骚塞,同时还攻击了一般的新派。在他看来,新派虽是以简易质朴为主旨,但他们的简易质朴,并不是对虚饰而言的简易质朴,而是对艺术(即在非艺术的意义上)的简易质朴;他又认为,下贱的农夫商贾的情感是不可以吟咏于诗的,因为它们本来就不属于诗。我们读了当时权威批评家弗朗西斯·杰弗里的话,再拿来和现代的评论相比较,真难免有隔世之感。

    拜伦的《闲散时光》(Hours of Idleness)是年少时的作品,固不足以代表他的诗才,其瑕疵也显而易见。但布鲁厄姆勋爵在《爱丁堡评论》(1808年1月)这样评论说:“这位公子哥儿的诗,真是神人共厌恶。而他却死死地守住这一种标准,不接近神,也不接近人。”这种话,好像不该是对那席卷全欧的大诗人所做的评语。

    简·奥斯丁,如今大家都承认是第一流的作家,是毫无异议的了。然若想一想她的作品是怎样问世的,也就可以明白个中情形。奥斯丁原本不是以文为生的人,只为了消遣而舞文弄墨,结果在18世纪末写成了两三部小说。她写的《傲慢与偏见》,父亲一看便称好,推荐给了出版商卡德尔(Cadell)。据说卡德尔甚至不屑一读,便拒绝出版,父亲也弃之不管了。一代杰作不能问世,在书桌里躺了多年,直到1813年才问世。像《诺桑觉寺》,其命运多舛更甚于前者。购买其书稿的是巴斯的一家... -->>





