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    (一) 触觉


    “Yet I’ll not shed her blood;

    Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow,

    And smooth as monumental alabaster.”

    —— Othello, Act V. sc. ii. ll. 3-5.

    “But O for the touch of a vanish’d hand,

    And the sound of a voice that is still!”

    —— Tennyson[2], Break, break, break.


    (二) 温度

    “St. Agnes’ Eve——Ah, bitter chill it was!

    The owl, for all his feathers, was a-cold;

    The hare limp’d trembling through the frozen grass,

    And silent was the f lock in woolly fold:”

    —— Keats[3], The Eve of St. Agnes.


    (三) 味觉

    食欲之类的下等感觉,不得混入所谓高尚的文学 ————这种想法,遇到如下的例子就要被打破了:

    “The board was spread with fruits and wine;

    With grapes of gold, like those that shine

    On Casbin’s hills;——pomegranates full

    Of melting sweetness, and the pears,

    And sunniest apples that Canbul

    In all its thousand gardens bears; ——

    Plantains, the golden and the green,

    Malaya’s nectar’d mangusteen;

    Prunes of Bockhara, and sweet nuts

    From the far groves of Samarcand.

    And Basra dates, and apricots,

    Seed of the Sun, from Iran’s land; ——

    With rich conserve of Visna cherries,

    Of orange f lowers, and of those berries

    That, wild and fresh, the young gazelles

    Feed on in Erac’s rocky dells.”

    —— Moore[4], Lalla Rookh, The Light of the Haram.

    此外,济慈的《圣亚尼节前夜》(“The Eve of St. Agnes”xxx.)那样的作品,甚至使得温切斯特说出这样的话:“在一流的诗作中,那基于劣等感的快乐的分子,反而占据优势。”

    (四) 嗅觉


    “It was a chosen plott of fertile land,

    Emongst wide waves sett, like a little nest,

    As if it had by Natures cunning hand

    B?ne choycely picked out from all the rest,

    And laid forth for ensample of the best:

    No daintie f lowre or herbe that growes on grownd,

    No arborett with painted blossomes drest

    And smelling sweete, but there it might be fownd

    To bud out faire, and throwe her sweete smels al arownd.”

    —— Spenser[5], The Faerie Queene, Bk. II. can. vi. st. 12.


    “The morn is up again, the dewy morn

    With breath all incense, and with cheek all bloom,

    Laughing the clouds away with playful scorn,

    And living as if earth contain’d no tomb ——

    And glowing into day:”

    —— Byron, Childe Harold, Can. iii. ll. 914-8.

    这虽是拟人法,但是香炷的香味能使人心旷神怡,故曰“with breath all incense”。

    (五) 听觉


    “Duke. If music be the food of love, play on;

    Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting,

    The appetite may sicken, and so die.

    That strain again! it had a dying fall:

    O, it come o’er my ear like the sweet sound

    That breathes upon a bank of violets.

    Stealing and giving odour!”

    —— Twelfth Night, Act I. sc. i. ll. 1-7.

    “I chatter over stony ways,

    In little sharps and trebles,

    I bubble into eddying bays,

    I babble on the pebbles.”

    —— Tennyson, The Brook.

    “I heard the water lapping on the crag,

    And the long ripple washing in the reeds.”

    —— Tennyson, The Passing of Arthur.

    “Or sweetest Shakespeare, Fancy’s child,

    Warble his native wood-notes wild.”

    —— Milton[6], L’Allegro, ll. 133-4.


    “By this the storm grew loud apace,

    The water-wraith was shrieking;

    And in the scowl of heaven each face

    Grew dark as they were speaking.”

    —— Campbell[7], Lord Ullin’s Daughter.

    (六) 视觉


    (a) 光辉

    “Sparkling and bright in liquid light

    Dose the wine our goblets gleam in;

    With hue as red as the rosy bed

    Which a bee would choose to dream in.”

    —— Charles Hoffman[8], Sparkling and Bright.

    “There shot a golden splendour far and wide,

    Spangling those million poutings of the brine

    With quivering ore.”

    —— Keats, Endymion, Bk. I. ll. 350-2.

    “A violet by a mossy stone

    Half-hidden from the eye!

    ——Fair as a star, when only one

    Is shining in the sky.”

    —— Wordsworth[9], She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways.

    (b) 色彩

    “I remember, I remember

    The roses, red and white,

    The violets, and the lily-cups ——

    Those f lowers made of light!

    The lilacs when the robin built,

    And where my brother set

    The laburnum on his birthday, ——

    The tree is living yet! ”

    —— Hood[10], Past and Present.


    “The leaves dead

    Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter f leeing,

    Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,

    Pestilence-stricken multitudes:”

    —— Shelley, Ode to the West Wind, ll. 2-5.

    “Within the shadow of the ship

    I watched their rich attire:

    Blue, glossy green, and velvet black,

    They coiled and swam; and every track

    Was a f lash of golden f ire.”

    —— Coleridge[11], Ancient Marine, ll. 277-81.





    一般说来,在我们的感觉世界里,再也没有比色彩感更能给予我们富于变化的、更多的快乐了。上有朗朗青空,下有蔚蓝大海,绿色的原野到处可见。从小处着眼,即有灿烂的花朵、秋日的红叶、涂抹着华美色彩的蝴蝶、背着油光闪亮金衣的甲虫、身缠五彩之虹的孔雀、散嵌着琉璃宝石的蜂雀,或着在表面瞬间出现的色彩之趣、肥皂泡、蛋白石的彩虹模样的表面,或倒映在如镜的湖水中那夕阳的灿烂等等,其颜色虽然五彩缤纷,但在其能唤起纯洁的、没有功利心的愉悦这一点上,却是共通的。仅凭感觉的刺激,无论如何也不可能在别的事物中求得这样的快感了。可以说,色彩的快感远远超然于占有欲的满足之上,而达到高尚的美的境界。( G.艾伦《色觉》,第1页)

    (c) 形状


    “Not hiding up an Apollonian curve

    Of neck and shoulder, nor the tenting swerve

    Of knee from knee, nor ankles pointing light;

    But rather, giving them to the f ill’d sight

    Off iciously. Sideway his face repos’d

    On one white arm, and tenderly unclos’d,

    By tenderest pressure, a faint damask mouth

    To slumbery pout; just as the morning south

    Disparts a dew-lipp’d rose.”

    —— Keats, Endymion, Bk. II. ll. 399-407.

    这里所说的是题为《沉睡的青春》(Sleeping Youth)的绘画。

    “Of all God’s works which doe this worlde adorn,

    There is no one more faire, and excellent,

    Than is man’s body both for power and forme

    Whiles it is kept in sober government.

    But none than it more foul and indecent

    Distempered through misrule and passions bace.”

    —— Spenser (quoted by Ruskin: Modern Painters. Vol. II. pt. III sec. I. chap. xiv.)


    “... When they come to model Heaven,

    And calculate the stars; how they will wield

    The mighty frame; how build, unbuild, contrive,

    To save appearances; how gird the Sphere

    With Centric and Eccentric scribbled o’er,

    Cycle and Epicycle, Orb in Orb.”

    —— Milton, Paradise Lost, Bk. VIII. ll. 79-84.


    (d) 运动


    “Upon the margin of that moorish f lood

    Motionless as a cloud the old Man stood,

    That heareth not the loud winds when they call;

    And moveth all together, if it move at all.”

    —— Wordsworth, The Leech-Gatherer, ll. 74-7.

    关于运动,还有一点需要注意一下,就是西洋人往往特别喜欢描写猛禽飞翔时候呈现出的美感。达尔文[17]曾经在其著作《小猎犬号环球航行记》(The Voyage of the Beagle round the World)中这样写道:



    “Around, around, in ceaseless circles wheeling

    With clang of wings and scream, the Eagle sailed

    Incessantly——sometimes on high concealing

    Its lessening orbs, sometimes as if it failed,

    Drooped thro’ the air; and still it shrieked and wailed

    And, casting back its eager head, with beak

    And talon unremittingly assailed

    The wreath’d Serpent, who did ever seek

    Upon his enemy’s heart a mortal wound to wreak.”

    —— Shelly, Laon and Cythna〔Revolt of Islam〕, Can. I. st. x.




    And from the other opening in the wood

    Rushes, with loud and whirlwind harmony, (运动,音)

    A sphere, which is as many thousand spheres, (形)

    Solid as crystal, yet through all its mass

    Flow, as through empty space, music and light: (光辉,音)

    Ten thousand orbs involving and involved, (形)

    Purple and azure, white, and green, and golden, (色)

    Sphere within sphere; and every space between (形)

    Peopled with unimaginable shapes, (形)

    Such as ghosts dream dwell in the lampless deep,

    Yet each inter-transpicuous, and they whirl (运动,光辉)

    Over each other with a thousand motions, (运动)

    Upon a thousand sightless axles spinning,

    And with the force of self-destroying swiftness, (运动)

    Intensely, slowly, solemnly roll on,

    Kindling with mingled sounds, and many tones, (音)

    Intelligible words and music wild.

    With mighty whirl the multitudinous orb (运动,色,光辉)

    Grinds the bright brook into an azure mist

    Of elemental subtlety, like light;

    And the wild odour of the forest f lowers, (嗅)

    The music of the living grass and air, (音)

    The emerald light of leaf-entangled beams (光辉,色)

    Round its intense yet self-conf licting speed, (运动)

    Seem kneaded into one aërial mass (运动)

    Which drowns the sense. Within the orb itself,

    Pillowed upon its alabaster arms, (触觉)

    Like to a child o’erwearied with sweet toil,

    On its own folded wings, and wavy hair.

    The Spirit of the Earth is laid asleep,

    And you can see its little lips are moving,

    Amid the changing light of their own smiles,

    Like one who talks of what he loves in dream.”

    —— Shelley, Prometheus Unbound, Act IV. ll. 236-68.

















    (一) 恐怖


    “A mote it is to trouble the mind’s eye.

    In the most high and palmy state of Rome,

    A little ere the mightiest Julius fell,

    The graves stood tenantless, and the sheeted dead

    Did squeak and gibber in the Roman streets.”

    —— Hamlet, Act I. sc. i. ll. 112-16.

    “I have almost forgot the taste of fears:

    The time has been, my senses would have cool’d

    To hear a night-shriek; and my fell of hair

    Would at a dismal treatise rouse and stir

    As life were in’t: I have supp’d full with horrors.”

    —— Macbeth, Act V. sc. v. ll. 9-13.


    (二) 愤怒

    “Achilles’ wrath, to Greece the direful spring

    Of woes unnumber’d, heavenly goddess, sing!

    That wrath which hurl’d to Pluto’s gloomy reign

    The souls of mighty chiefs untimely slain.”

    —— Pope, The Iliad.



    “He spoke; and Rustum answer’d not, but hurl’d

    His spear: down from the shoulder, down it came,

    As on same partridge in the corn a hawk,

    That long has tower’d in the airy clouds,

    Drops like a plummet; Sohrab saw it come,

    And Sprang aside, quick as a f lash: the spear

    Hiss’d, and went quivering down into the sand,

    Which it sent f lying wide:——Then Sohrab threw

    In turn, and full struck Rustum’s shield: sharp rang,

    The iron plates rang sharp, but turn’d the spear.”

    —— M. Arnold, Sohrab and Rustum, ll. 398-407.

    “Then each at once his falchion drew,

    Each on the ground his scabbard threw,

    Each looked to sun, and stream, and plain,

    As what they ne’er might see again;

    Then foot, and point, and eye opposed,

    In dubious strife they darkly closed.”

    —— Scott, The Lady of the Lake, Can. V. st. xiv.

    “愤怒”虽有种种表现,但最能表现愤怒的,是战争、杀戮和破坏。然而,愤怒的表现却能够伴随着一种快感,而观看和阅读的人也能感觉到一种特殊的兴奋。(不用说,愤怒的产生是极其令人不快的,而愤怒的当事者,也是很不痛快的。)故而古今文学家们都喜欢表现这种感情,即便到了文明程度较高的今天,其表现力依然不减。在古代诗歌中有《出猎切维山》(Chevy Chase)[22],在戏剧文学中更举不胜举,不过像莎翁的作品《科里奥兰纳斯》(Coriolanus)、《亨利六世》(Henry VI)中的塔尔博、《理查三世》(Tal-bot. Richard III)的最后一段“A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse”,都可以说是描写格斗的文学名段了。特别是在《理查三世》的那段文字中,写理查德三世失马,以狮子跳跃之势召马一句,将那种激越的感情表现得淋漓尽致,读者可以参考。这里顺便将《科里奥兰纳斯》里面的描写格斗的部分摘录如下:

    “Mar.          Sir, it is;

    And I am constant. Titus Lartius, thou

    Shalt see me once more strike at Tullus’ face.

    What, art thou stiff ?”

    —— Act I. sc. i. ll. 242-5.


    “If we and Caius Marcius chance to meet,

    Tis sworn between us we shall ever strike

    Till one can do no more.”

    —— Act I. sc. ii. ll. 34-6.


    “You souls geese,

    That bear the shapes of men, how have you run

    From slaves that apes would beat! Pluto and hell!

    All hurt behind; backs red, and faces pale

    With f light and agued fear! Mend and charge home,

    Or, by the f ires of heaven, I’ll leave the foe

    And make my wars on you: look to ’t: come on;

    If you’ll stand fast, we’ll beat them to their wives,

    As they us to our trenches followed.”

    —— Act I. sc. iv. ll. 34-42.


    “Mar.   I’ll f ight with none but thee; for I do hate thee

    Worse than a promise-breaker.

    Auf.         We hate alike:

    Not Afric owns a serpent I abhor

    More than thy fame and envy. Fix thy foot.

    Mar. Let the f irst budger die the other’s slave,

    And the gods doom him after!

    Auf.         If I f ly, Marcius,

    Holloa me like a hare.

    Mar.      Within these three hours, Tullus,

    Alone I fought on your Corioli walls,

    And made what work I pleased: ‘tis not my blood

    Wherein thou seest me mask’d; for thy revenge

    Wrench up thy power to the highest.

    Auf.         Wert thou the Hector

    That was the whip of your bragg’d progeny,

    Thou should’st not scape me here.

    [They f ight, and certain Volsces come in the aid of Auf idius.

    Marcius f ights till they be driven in breathless.

    Off icious, and not valiant, you have shamed me

    In your condemned second.


    —— Act I. sc. viii. ll. 1-15.


    “Vol. He had, before this last expedition, twenty-f ive wounds upon him. ”

    —— Act II. sc. i. ll. 169-70.


    (三) 同感

    里博接着又举了“同感”即“温暖的同情”这种情绪。当然,这里所谓“同感”(sympathy)之意,并不是我们日常所使用的那种含义,若对其词语加以深究,就是sym=together, pathy=feeling,即与他人的感情相同之意。人怒我怒,人泣我泣,换言之就是心理上的契合。在这种意义上,有时与“模仿”、“感染”是同义词。这个意义上的词语,在文艺理论上当然有论述的必要。我们之所以喜欢文艺作品,可以说是基于“模仿”(内部的)或“感染”(托尔斯泰)。这种本能性的情绪,在欣赏文艺作品时是须臾不可缺少的。这种意思上的同感乃是第一阶段。再进而入第二阶段时,就不单是心理上的契合,而是“心理的契合+情绪”了。作为文学内容的同感,始终都需要进入这第二阶段的。同样地,对他人的同情、哀怜,也是基于这种感情。



    要举的这个例子就是戈黛娃[24]的故事,那原是真人真事,一直是人们口口相传的,到了近代英国文学中,被两个大作家采用为素材,于是更加广为人知。一个是兰德[25] ,他的《假想对话录》中就有描写。埃利斯[26]评论说:“在许多会话中,像这一段优美的言辞,无可比拟。”兰德是用散文诗来表述吟咏这个故事的,而用诗歌的形式加以吟咏的,则是丁尼生勋爵的《戈黛娃》。


    (a) 兰德的对话描写从新婚夫妇骑马到Coventry开始。戈黛娃说:“There is a dearth in the land, my sweet Leofric! Remember how many weeks of drought we have had, even in the deep pastures of Leicestershire.”贫民诉苦道:“Although we were accompanied by many brave spearmen and skilful archers, it was perilous to pass the creatures which the farm-yard dogs, driven from the hearth by the poverty of their masters, were tearing and devouring; ...”丈夫说:“那么,我也到城里,住在圣米歇尔修道院彻夜向神祷告吧!”妻子说:“我也去祷告!”并且说:“Would my own dear husband hear me, if I implored him for what is easier to accomplish,——what he can do like God?”请求他在饥馑旱灾之年,免掉民众的租税。

    利奥弗里克生气地说:“They have omitted to send me my dues, established by my ancestors, well knowing of our nuptials, and of the charges and festivities they require, and that in a season of such scarcity my own lands are insuff icient.”

    这时,妻子申辩道:“There are those among them who kissed me in my infancy, and who blessed me at the baptismal font. Leofric, Leofric! The f irst old man I meet I shall think is one of these; and I shall think on the blessing he gave, and (ah me!) on the blessing I bring back to him. My heart will bleed, will burst; and he will weep at it! He will weep, poor soul, for the wife of a cruel lord who denounces vengeance on him, who carries death into his family!”

    经过这样的反复争辩,丈夫终于答应妻子的要求,但附加了一个条件:“Yea, Godiva, by the holy rood, will I pardon the city, when thou ridest naked at noontide through the streets!”


    最后,这位女士下了决心,宁可失掉体面,也要使自己的同情心得到满足。她说:“But perhaps my innocence may save me from reproach; and how many as innocent are in fear and famine! No eye will open on me but fresh from tears. What a young mother for so large a family! Shall my youth harm me? Under God’s hand it gives me courage. Ah! When will the morning come? Ah! When will the noon be over?”兰德的会话到此结束。

    (b) 丁尼生就进一步,写到了戈黛娃裸体绕街的情形。写她终于摆脱了烦闷:

    “So left alone, the passions of her mind,

    As winds from all compass shift and blow,

    Made war upon each other for an hour,

    Till pity won.”

    —— Godiva.




    罗多庇斯的父亲,把米柜里所存最后的粮食卖掉,买了一件镶着大红边的衣裳,惘然地盯着米柜。一无所知的罗多庇斯以为米柜之中有什么有趣的东西,走过去一看,却是空空如也。父亲把那件新衣给她穿上,她觉得非常开心,自己采了一朵花插在头上,又插一朵在胸前。然后和父亲一齐来到了贩卖奴隶的市场。买者虽然极其赏识罗多庇斯的美丽,但因她体弱,无人肯买她。“Many would have bought the chlamys, but there was something less saleable in the child and f lowers. ”虽然也不是没有人来问价,可是没有一个人肯出她父亲所希望的价钱。这样一个去了一个来,罗多庇斯反觉得很有趣,每来一个人她就笑笑,以为这只是一种好玩的游戏。

    父亲对一位买主说:“I think I know thee by name, O guest! Surely thou art Xanthus the Samian. Deliver this child from famine.”但是罗多庇斯只是笑。克桑托斯(Xanthus)关心地问她:“你饿不饿呀?”罗多庇斯回答说刚吃过饭,因为她以为这也只是闹着玩的(虽然长年过着贫苦的生活,父亲却未曾让她挨饿过一次)。克桑托斯从口袋里拿出小麦做的点心和蜜饯给她,罗多庇斯先把蜜饯送到父亲嘴上,父亲却接过来扔到地上,说:“Seizing the bread, he began to devour it ferociously.”但是,她仍以为这是闹着玩的。

    父亲一边讲完价钱,一边把女儿交给克桑托斯。父亲最后的话是:“The gods are ever with thee, O Xanthus; therefore to thee do I consign my child.”

    罗多庇斯被买主抱着,回头一看,“Saw her father struggling on the ground, livid and speechless.” 罗多庇斯自己的感想是:“The more violent my cries, the more rapidly they hurried me away; and many were soon between us. Little was I suspicious that he had suffered the pangs of famine long before: alas! and he had suffered them for me.”伊索听完长篇故事之后,深有感触地说:“It was sublime humanity: it was forbearance and self-denial which even the immortal gods have never shown us. He could endure to perish by those torments which alone are both acute and slow; he could number the steps of death and miss not one; but he could never see thy tears, nor let thee see his. O weakness above all fortitude! Glory to the man who rather bears a grief corroding his breast, than permits it to prowl beyond, and to prey on the tender and compassionate!”罗多庇斯又想起这件事发生前一天晚上的事情,接着说:那天晚上,我父亲坐在床边,捡拾那些散落在架子上的碎面包,好像在叹息饭不够吃。这期间我装着睡觉,后来又装着忽然醒了,求我父亲唱歌给我听,好让我睡。那首歌的最后的一节是:“Thou shalt behold that fairest and that fondest one hereafter. But f irst thou must go unto the land of the lotos, where famine never cometh, and where alone the works of man are immortal.”


    (四) 接下来就是自我之情,即关于ego的感情。



    “High on a throne of royal state, which far

    Outshone the wealth of Ormus and of Ind,


    Satan exalted sat, by merit raised

    To that bad eminence; and, from despair

    Thus high uplifted beyond hope, aspires

    Beyond thus high, insatiate to pursue

    Vain war with Heaven; and, by success untaught,

    His proud imaginations thus display’d:”

    —— Milton, Paradise Lost, Bk. II. ll. 1-10.



    “Let them pull all about mine ears, present me

    Death on the wheel or at wild horse’s heels,

    Or pile ten hills on the Tarpeian rock,

    That the precipitation might down stretch

    Below the beam of sight, yet will I still

    Be thus to them.”

    —— Shakespeare, Coriolanus, Act III. sc. ii. ll. 1-6.




    (a) 维奥拉是个男装的女子,做奥西诺公爵的侍者,屡次替公爵送信给公爵的恋人奥丽维亚伯爵夫人,但是奥丽维亚竟然无情地一直不给回信。有一次公爵对着维奥拉,说起他和奥丽维亚的恋爱,说在恋爱方面,男女的表现是各有不同的,他这样说道:

    “There is no woman’ sides

    Can bide the beating of so strong a passion

    As love doth give my heart; no woman’s heart

    So big, to hold so much; they lack retention.”

    —— Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, Act II. sc. iv. 11. 96-9.


    “And what’s her history?

    Viola. A blank, my lord. She never told her love,

    But let concealment, like a worm i’ the bud,

    Feed on her damask cheek: she pined in thought,

    And with a green and yellow melancholy,

    She sat, like patience on a monument,

    Smiling at grief. Was not this love indeed?

    We men may say more, swear more: but indeed

    Our shows are more than will; for still we prove

    Much in our vows, but little in our love.”

    —— 11. 112-21.


    (b) 以上说的是恋爱中的忍耐,下面要说的是与此稍为不同的“容忍”的例子。那就是表现妻子对丈夫的顺从之德。我之所以在这里选了这样一个例子,为的是要证明这种感情如何作为文学内容加以表现,同时还有别的用意。在尊重夫人的西洋社会,这种例子看起来似乎很稀奇,在近代的英国文学中,找出这种例子是很难的。不消说,妻子对丈夫的顺从,是世间常情,在任何时代,这种事情作为文学内容是很常见的。然而这里要讲的例子实在可以说是西洋文学中极为罕见的。所描写的,是现代妇女绝对忍受不了的那种痛苦。关于“忍耐的格瑞瑟达” 的故事(虽然玛利亚·埃奇沃思[27]的小说中有《现代格瑞瑟达》,但内容上并不相同)迄今为止被三大文豪所处理过:一是薄伽丘[28]的《十日谈》里面第十日的第十个故事;二是彼特拉克[29]用拉丁语写成小说,名之曰(《关于传说中妻子的诚实和顺从的故事》)(De Obedientia ac Fide Uxoria Mythologia);三是英国文学中乔叟[30]以其浓墨重彩,在《坎特伯雷故事集》里,以《学生的故事》(The Clerkes Tale)为题,作为瑰宝永久地留存下来了,但是乔叟的材料来自彼特拉克,正如他在前言中所说:

    “He is now deed and nayled in his cheste,

    I prey to god so yeve his soule reste!

    Fraunceys Petrark, the laureate poete,

    Highte this clerk, whos rethoryke sweete

    Enlumined al Itaille of poetrye.”

    —— ll. 29-33.


    “Janicula〔Giannicolo〕men of that throp him calle.

    A doghter hadde he, fair y-nogh to sighte,

    And Grisildis〔Griselda〕this yonge mayden highte.”

    —— ll. 208-10.


    “‘This is my wyf,’ quod he, ‘that standeth here.

    Honoureth hir, and loveth hir, I preye,

    Who-so me loveth; ther is na-more to seye.’”

    —— ll. 369-71.

    属下都赞赏新娘,为她求寿祈福,觉得侯爵有知人之明,但是过了不久,侯爵不知何故,忽然想试一试夫人的忍耐程度,于是 ————

    ① 他对着夫人说:你出身卑贱之家,入此侯爵之门,众家臣都有不满,怨声不绝于耳。

    “They seyn, to hem it is greet shame and wo

    For to be subgets and ben in servage

    To thee, that born art of a small village. ”

    —— ll. 481-3.


    ② 第二次的试验,方法与上次稍异。格瑞瑟达结婚后生了一女,侯爵便叫使者去说:“对不起,请你把孩子交给我;这是侯爵的命令,没办法。”格瑞瑟达虽不是没想到孩子的抚养,但因为这是丈夫的命令,她没有哭,也不叹气,便把孩子交了出去。

    ③ 生的第二个孩子是男孩儿。侯爵说:人们对你心里不服气,如果你生的这个儿子要承继我的一切,则:

    “When Walter is agoon,

    Then shal the blood of Janicle succede>





